Thursday, March 26, 2020


Hello! It's been a few days since I've posted, mostly because I've had internet & computer issues. The Gateway computer that I bought from Target for barely $300 six years ago seems to not connect to the internet more than it does connect these days...shocker, right?? 

Over here on Lindl Dr we've been obedient U.S. citizens and have not gone anywhere other than Burger King this week. And man, let me tell you how excited Olivia and I were to go to BK yesterday! Mind you, our local BK is approximately 1/10 of a mile from our house. We could walk there. However, since only the drive thru is open, we drove. You would have thought it was both of our last meals based on how much we talked about our lunch yesterday morning:

9:15 am: "Mom! Is it time to go to Burger King yet?!?"

9:52 am: "Mom, I'm getting Burger King open yet?"

10:37 am: "Mom, I'm SO excited to leave the house and go to Burger King!"

...and on and on and on until we finally went. Olivia and I split a Whopper and french fries and chicken fries. It was glorious. It was a big deal to have to put on shoes (um, and maybe a bra for one of us...) to leave the house. So far my 8 YO has dealt with not getting to leave the house pretty well, though. I've let her FaceTime friends, and we've used Zoom for guitar lessons, dance class and with her classroom teacher, so I think that's been helping. These elementary kids are going to be Zoom experts by the end of this quarantine, because as one kid in her class said today, very dryly, "This is like my 4th Zoom meeting today..." Ha! Sounds like he's ready for corporate America!

Today is Thursday...I think? The days really are blending together. Plans for the rest of the week include half-hearted attempts at teaching my child (I decided we are going to study a different musician every day - today is Stevie Wonder, Friday might be Tupac...ha), catching up on The Masked Singer, & weeding my front yard. What are the items you plan on crossing off your quarantine To Do list this week?

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