Thursday, April 2, 2020

The Scorpion, Queen...

Guess what excitement we had last week? Can you guess by the title of this blog post??

Yep, that's right. Olivia got stung by a scorpion last Thursday.

We had had dinner at home (chicken piccata with pasta, which I thought was tasty but Olivia and Pat poo-pooed. Even in the midst of a nationwide food supply shortage, they still manage to tell me they hate my cooking), and had leftovers so we decided to take some to a neighbor and leave it on her porch. Since she only lives two blocks away, we decided to walk. We were on our way back, about 3 houses away from home, when Olivia started screaming:

"AAAAAAAAHHHHH! I've been stung by a scorpion!"

Fucking a.

Pat scooped her up and I ran back to the house to find some Benadryl. We iced her big toe (she had been wearing flip flops when we were walking and that's where she got stung) and Pat applied some of the Benadryl cream while I grabbed a black light to look for the little bugger. "It was so big Mama!" After searching the path we had walked on for a few minutes, I found the little f*cker. And it was a bigger than average one. I knew Pat would want to see it so instead of squashing it I went back to the house and called poison control while he went out to look for it.

Fortunately, poison control calmed me down - 30 minutes had passed, and her breathing was fine, so they assured me she wasn't having an allergic reaction. They informed me that she could have pain anywhere on her body since scorpion venom can jump neural pathways - as in, Olivia got stung on her right big toe, but an hour later she might have intense pain in her left shoulder. Weird, right? They also said not to ice it. Oops. They suggested using a cold pop can instead to kind of cool it down. As I'm hanging up with poison control, my husband walks back in and loudly declares, "I didn't see a scorpion. I don't think she got stung."

Um...what? Our child shrieked and started screaming uncontrollably all of a sudden, I went back and told you I saw a scorpion in the EXACT LOCATION where Olivia freaked out, and you're not going to believe either of us because you personally couldn't find the bug?

To say I was irritated by this assertion would be an understatement.

I mean, none of us can physically see this virus that's wreaking havoc on our nation right now, but we (most of us anyway) believe it exists, amiright?? Obviously I chose to ignore my husband's erroneous opinion and slept with Olivia that night to make sure she was ok. She slept like a champ and when poison control called to follow up the next morning they said the tingliness that she still felt in her toe would go away by mid-afternoon, and it did. I'm glad we know now that our kid isn't allergic to scorpion stings, but here's a PSA to all the bugs out there: If y'all could just chill for a bit until this pandemic is over that would be swell. Not trying to add any extra drama to our lives right now. Thanks a bunch.

I hope everyone reading this is staying bug bite-free! 

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